XIOS COVID-19 Updates: New guidelines and protocols

A message from the XIOS Strength & Conditioning team:

To our XIOS family and community,

More than ever, it’s important for us to keep in mind what is most important, which is your continued safety and health. We are definitely excited to re-open our doors to our members and look forward to coming back together in our home. 

With that said, we want to inform you about the extensive disinfecting, sanitizing, and cleaning measures we are continuing to practice and/or will implement:

• Frequent cleaning and sanitizing of free weights, dumbbells, exercise balls, bands, and benches

• Cleaning and disinfecting all fitness equipment

• Steam cleaning turf

• Mopping and disinfecting flooring, wiping down windows, disinfecting door handles

• Detailed, deep-cleaning in restrooms and high traffic areas throughout the day

Along with these methods of keeping our space clean, we will also be implementing and updating these guidelines as necessary and per county requirements:
• All members/athletes must reserve a workout time via the BAND app (this pre-registration for sessions is to abide by current capacity limits and keeping a record of all members and staff in the building as needed for tracing
• Limiting access to the public (temporarily, no walk-ins)
• You must wear a mask and use provided hand sanitizer upon arrival and upon leaving
• All members will be required to have their temperatures tested by staff before entering the premises
• Create individual designated spaces with an additional border between each
• Limit attendance to 10 members or less at one particular time slot
• Eliminate shared, high touchpoints (e.g., equipment is only touched by one member using it during the workout)
•  Members to provide their own lifting chalk for heavy lifting, and a yoga mat for floor exercises, etc.
• Two handwashing stations (bathrooms) in the back and two hand sanitizer stations in the front and back
• Disinfectant wipes to be used by members after use of equipment, heavily enforced by staff
• Create good airflow by leaving front and back doors open throughout the day 
•  Allotting 60-minute gaps between each appointment session to allow staff to clean and disinfect
•  Post signs in high traffic areas with procedures for members (e.g., wash hands upon entering, do not enter if sick, sneeze/cough in mask or elbow, etc.)
•  Require all members who are interested in continuing with our services to fill out and sign a COVID-19 liability waiver, which will be provided via email or signed before entering the premises. 

As we learn new ways to take care of ourselves in a time of social distancing, we want to encourage our members/clients/fitness community to find meaningful ways to maintain your health and fitness goals.

Stay up-to-date on how we’re keeping the XIOS Strength & Conditioning community well in mind, body, and spirit on Facebook, Instagram, newsletter, and our website.

We can’t wait until we see you again.

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